#write31days: Lies We Believe About Contentment

Friend, have you ever found yourself in a waiting season? Chances are your answer to that simple question is a resounding yes. Maybe you're there right now. If so, I know how you feel. We're all waiting on something. Maybe it's physical healing from an ailment. Maybe it's the restoration of relationship. Maybe it's a new job or the desire for a spouse. We can all find something that we are hoping and wishing for, can't we?

This summer, I remember talking with my ladies' Bible study group about contentment. Several of us shared that we felt that contentment was a fleeting state. Many of us felt as though contentment was an unattainable state of mind- there will always be something we're reaching for. Today I want us to unpack the lies we believe about contentment.

1. Contentment is for everyone but me. 

My sweet friend Jennie wisely stated this: "The enemy wants us to be so distracted by that one thing that God isn't doing that we are unable to see all the other ways He is moving in our lives." If the enemy of our souls wants anything, it is for us to live in a constant state of unbelief. He does not want us to believe that God is who He says He is or that He will do what He said He will do. He does not want us to know that He will be true to His word. So when we fixate on that one thing (well, let's be honest, those things) that God is not doing for us in our timeline and in our way, discouragement, doubt, and disbelief enter in. We cannot rest in Who God is if we are constantly comparing our lives to the lives of those around us. Contentment can be for us, but we have to make the choice. No one else will make that choice for us. 

2. Contentment is fleeting.

If our contentment is based on the circumstances of our life, then yes, it is fleeting. If my contentment is based on how many followers I have on Instagram or how much money is in my bank account, then yes, it is fleeting. But contentment that rests on Christ? It's not going anywhere. Yes, we are human. We fall and falter and we mess up in the biggest of ways. But when my deep abiding joy rests in the person of Jesus Christ, who never changes? When I rest in my Almighty Father, who never changes or casts a shifting shadow? My contentment cannot be shaken. I may have days that seem dark. I may have moments of doubt and distrust. But when I know the unwavering sheltering presence of my Father, I will know contentment that has no bounds.

3. Contentment is unattainable. 

I believe that the enemy of our souls would have us believe that contentment is for those who are "more spiritual" than us. Maybe they are "professional Christians" and know more Bible verses than us. Maybe they have lives that seem perfect from the outside. But friends, contentment is attainable, and it is within reach. When we take our eyes off of our circumstances, our problems, or trials, and our pain and look to heaven, we find that the Father has been waiting for us all along. He longs to fellowship with us and know us in every moment of every season.

Today, let's cry out to our Father and ask Him what He has to say about contentment. See you tomorrow, friends. :)