I am so very glad you’re here.
I am so very glad you’re here.
Ten years ago, I was teaching elementary children and living the single life, wondering when my dreams of happily ever after would come true.
Today, I am a wife, mom, author, and Bible teacher. My heart beats faster when I think about all that God can do through His incredible word. He has completely changed my heart and given me a full, beautiful, and grace-filled life. The happily ever after didn’t come with my incredible husband, but rather a heart set on Jesus.
I want that for you, too.
I spend my days with my three kiddos in carline, cooking meals, running errands, and writing my little heart out in the fringe hours.
Through childhood trauma, job loss, infertility, health issues, and crippling fear, God has shown me His faithfulness and kindness.
After nearly twenty years of teaching the Bible to women, God has shown me over and over again that He is who He says He is.
He can do the same for you, friend.
I help weary women apply the truth of God’s word to their lives so they can live fully alive.
I do this through writing and teaching God’s word.
I am so glad you’re here.
Let’s be friends.