An Questionnaire for the Hubs
So there is this silly little Facebook status/game thingy going around, and I decided to drink the Kool-Aid, because I just wanted to know what Ror would say as he answered these questions. He got most of them right! It would be a little concerning if he didn't...
WITHOUT prompting, ask your husband these questions and write EXACTLY what they say. The outcome can be hilarious!
What makes me happy?
What makes me sad?
What's something I say often?
How tall am I?
What's my favorite thing to do?
What do I do when you're not around?
If I become famous, what will it be for?
What makes you proud of me?
What is my favorite food?
What is my favorite restaurant?
If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
Do you think you could live without me?
How do I annoy you?
When you block my path or when you keep me up at night. (Like when I won’t stop talking and get deliriously tired and silly, hahahaha.)
What is my favorite tv show?
Where can I be found?
What is one thing I'm not good at?
What is your favorite thing I cook?
Who's my favorite person?