April Goals
{Image via Lara Casey} |
Goals, schmoals. That's sometimes how I feel about making progress towards things when I so badly want to execute my goals with perfection. But alas, I am a human being with frailties and flaws. In all seriousness though, I cannot believe that it is April, and we are already 1/4 through the year 2016. Cue shock and awe.
Here's what the goals looked like for March:
finish reading Hands Free Life
spring cleaning- deep clean the apartment (ew ew ew)
submit a writing piece to (in)courage
plan for Easter weekend
work out 3x a week
talk to at least one family member on the phone (not just text)
meal plan
plan blog posts
social media free Saturdays
read the Word
encourage Ror
encourage someone else
give thanks
drop the jar (more on this later)
quote James
I was able to accomplish all of my monthly goals except for reading Hands Free Life, because I decided to read Looking for Lovely instead (great choice). Easter weekend was a really sweet time spent with family for our niece's first birthday party, and both sets of parents were able to attend church with us that day, which was so special. I did submit a piece of writing to (in)courage, but it was not chosen (womp, womp), so I submitted it to Glow: Live as Light instead! Just making some lemonade out of lemons, friends.
Weekly goals have been ok; I haven't worked out hard, but I have been walking a lot since the weather has been so nice. Meal planning has been made much simpler with eMeals, and while I haven't been blogging as often, I have a lot of thoughts in this ole head of mine that will eventually make it to this little corner of the internet.
My daily goals are the easiest ones that I find to be consistent with. I don't always quote James, but I am asking the Lord to bring the verses to mind when I need them, which is quite often. Here's how my April goals are looking:
finish reading Hands Free Life
finish reading Steadfast Love
finish reading Wild and Free
make a blog plan
budget meeting with Ror
finish Financial Peace University
walk at least once
run once!
1 gym class a week (already know I'm not gonna make the above goal or this one this week, just keeping it real)
declutter/clean up one room in the apartment
meal plan
same as March
What are you working towards, friends? How is the Lord teaching you discipline in the small (and not-so-small) ways?