March Goals

Unwritten life goal: try a macaron. Check.

Well, friends, I am officially more than halfway through spring break. (Cue depressing music.) Each spring break, I have nothing short of one billion things that I want to get done in my time off. This year was no exception. So far, it has been a good break; I've been able to sleep in, see friends, and cuddle with the fur baby. The week is flying by, and I am hoping to be able to end the week with the determination to finish this school year strong! Let's review my goals from last month:

continue memorizing James
read Hands Free Life
observe Lent
start training for a 5k
clean up my closet (it didn't happen in January...)

same as last month, but also: plan blog posts and observe social media free weekends

instead of love on Ror, I want to encourage him. Something about that wording makes it more intentional for me. 
I took out stretching because I wasn't really doing it. 
quote James

I was able to get a lot of my monthly goals done in February! Technically I cleaned up my closet last weekend, which was the beginning of March, butttt...I began reading Hands Free Life but put it aside when my copy of Looking for Lovely arrived and finished that instead. I still didn't begin training for a 5k. Womp womp. But! I will be walking/jogging in a 5K this weekend! I have quoted James at least weekly, but it hasn't happened daily. And I am enjoying at least 24 hours social media free each weekend. :)

Here's how things have changed for March:

finish reading Hands Free Life
spring cleaning- deep clean the apartment (ew ew ew)
submit a writing piece to (in)courage 
plan for Easter weekend

work out 3x a week
talk to at least one family member on the phone (not just text)
meal plan
plan blog posts
social media free Saturdays

read the Word
encourage Ror
encourage someone else
give thanks
drop the jar (more on this later)
quote James

That's what my goals are looking like these days, friends. There are some days with a lot of empty check boxes and others where they are almost all full. Lots of grace around these parts. What are you working towards?