September Goals
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Here's the thing about blogging-you put a lot of your business in the street. And by that I mean that you remember you wrote about something and then realize that you have an audience of people who may or may not remind you of it, thereby making you accountable for it. Ahem. I made a bucket list and goals for this summer, but they were kind of sort of just not a priority. With school being in full swing, intentionality has been quite the buzz word. Since it is now September (why. is. time. FLYING?!), I figured it was time to hold myself to some kind of standards. Here's my five main goals for September:
1) Complete Blog-tember challenge by writing and posting once a day, even if it is not a prompted post.
2) Go to bed at or before 10:45 on school nights. 10:30 is when I really need to be in bed, but there's grace, right?
3) Read two books.
4) Eat healthier and train more consistently in order to prepare my body for the Athens half marathon in October. Last night I went on a three mile run with a friend and had to walk most of the way. Three miles people. A half is THIRTEEN POINT ONE miles. I'm in trouble.
5) Have a social media free day on the weekend.
That's all, folks! What are your goals for this month?