on why I'm going to Uganda

Where do I even begin? First of all, for those of you who don't know, I am going to Uganda in two (very short) months. I could not be more excited. The Lord is making a way, and I am just honored to journey with Him on a new adventure. 

via Life Lived Beautifully

Moving to Mexico in August 2010 was the single most hard and scary thing I had ever done up until that point. But through that time, I was able to grow and change. The Lord showed me more of Himself and drew me closer to Him. Now, living in Athens, I am so sure that I am where I am supposed to be right now. However, part of me still longs to travel and to see the world- to be the hands and feet of Jesus in places that just need Him so desperately.

During my senior year, I wrestled with the Lord about my decision to move to Mexico. At that time, I was attending a college girls' Bible study at my pastor's home. His wife, Carla, led the study, and one night she told us about a young woman our age who lived and worked in Uganda. This woman, Katie Davis, has now adopted fourteen Ugandan orphan girls as her own children. She is just a normal girl from Brentwood, Tennessee who decided to actually take James 1:27 seriously. Now her non-profit Amazima Ministries not only feeds hundreds of children daily, but also disciples villagers and connects children with sponsors from the United States. Her story inspired me and encouraged me as I ventured off to the unknown of Chihuahua. I began following her blog and then read her book while I was there. Her simple love for Jesus is simultaneously inspiring and convicting.

For a few years, the country of Uganda has been on my radar- part of books and blogs I read-thus, making its way into my heart. My home church, Watkinsville First Baptist has a partnership with a non-profit organization called In Mission Ministries that works to establish relationships with Ugandans by training them to plant their own tribal churches in villages. These churches are fully led by Ugandan pastors. Uganda is a country that has been war-torn by the Lord's Resistance Army, with thousands of casualties and devastating lingering consequences. The need for hope is real. Amazing works are being done, and lives are being changed.

I have no idea why I'm supposed to go to Uganda. All I know is that the Lord has made it clear that I am supposed to go. My heart is willing, but unfortunately, my wallet is not so accommodating. The cost of this trip is $2,500. That's one too many zeroes for me to handle on my own. Praise God that the balance remaining right now is $2,200! I serve the God of the universe, and this is not an impossible matter for Him. 

My request is that you prayerfully consider joining with me on this journey. I want to share this experience with you. If you would like to give to my trip, there are two ways to do so:

Check made out to WFBC with Uganda in the memo line. Include a short note that says you would like your donation to go towards Jessica Miller's trip. Send checks to:
c/o Chris Fitzgerald
P.O. Box 228
Watkinsville, GA 30677

You can also give electronically at the following link:
Service Reef Donation Site

Be sure to specify that your donation preference is for Jessica Miller. 

And last but not least, let these lyrics remind you of the reason we're here. Everything we do is for His glory and renown across the earth.

Build Your Kingdom Here by Rend Collective Experiment
Build Your kingdom here.
Let the darkness fear.
Show Your mighty hand.
Heal our streets and land.
Set Your church on fire.
Win this nation back.
Change the atmosphere.
Build Your kingdom here.
We pray.

Unleash Your kingdom's power
reaching the near and far.
No force of Hell can stop
Your beauty changing hearts.
You made us for much more than this!
Awake the kingdom seed in us!
Fill us with the strength and love of Christ.

We are Your church.
We are the hope on earth.

Update: as of 3/21, I now only have $1,400/44% remaining! Praise God for His provision!