1 Thessalonians 5:24
So things are going to be different when I return to Chiwas. So I won't be in my protective bubble at home. So I won't be able to hug and kiss my mom, dad, and Lauren good night each night anymore. So I won't be able to run 4 miles unaccompanied. So I won't have a car. So I won't be able to eat Chick-fil-A whenever I want.
But here's what I will have. Peace like a river. My dog Socks by my side. Children to love on at the brickyard. High school girls with whom to reunite. A new little house to decorate and call my own. A church community whom I love. POP Pilates videos awaiting me. People with whom I can speak Spanish. Books to read.
It is well with my soul.
He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.
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