For the record...

This is not what most women picture when they think of the perfect man:
This is what women want from men:

Dear men, for the sake of women...
I charge you to be men…
To be more than carbon copies of society’s counterfeits
To see beauty as more than skin deep for the sake of true beauty’s integrity
To seek to serve and not be served
To feel anger, joy, passion, and pain not fearing their weight, but embracing their purpose like true men who experience, express, and control emotions like the God-man Jesus
To love a woman not for what you can take from her but for who she is pursuing her, honoring her, and leading her to embark on a greater journey for the glory of a King
Be men for the sake of the women. We have long battled with the scars boys give. 

My BFFL Kristen posted this today on her blog, and I just loved it.  Such truth in every word. 
Love you Kris.