You’re pretty content!

It seems you are currently content with where God has you. Good for you! God tells us that we need to rejoice in all circumstances and give thanks to Him for all things. Perhaps you are in a state of contentment because your life doesn’t have any bumps in the road right now, or maybe you have learned the art of gratitude because of some difficulties you have walked through. Either way, give thanks for being in a place where you can say with confidence, “God is good.”

Since you are in a place of contentment, take the time to look around you for those who are hurting. You won’t have to look far. If there is someone in your life who needs encouragement or support, take the time to reach out to them, pray for them, and let them know that you are here for them. It will mean more than you know. 

If you’re looking for more Biblical encouragement that will help you maintain a healthy perspective through the trials of life, try listening to my new podcast, The Fullness of Joy. Each week we talk about the hard things of life through the lens of the Gospel.

Know someone who may be struggling with contentment who could benefit from taking this quiz? Sharing is caring!