Week 5: Psalm 24
Psalm 24
About a year ago, our family walked through the most difficult season of our lives thus far. This season was characterized by seemingly unending trials that were difficult to process, because they came in such quick succession. It felt as though we were drowning and could not catch our breath. The feeling of being forgotten was overwhelming and palpable.
Have you been there, friend?
When you get another call from the school about your child's behavior.
When the expenses are much larger than your income.
When your spouse's good health is no longer a certainty.
When your closest friendship feels strained.
When your mentor fails you in the worst way.
When church feels uncomfortable.
When the winter's cold feels all too heavy and lingers for far too long, it is easy for us to think that God has forgotten about us. It is easy to believe that maybe He is far away, and not truly Immanuel, God with us. The circumstances of our lives sometimes tell a story of heartache, pain, and longings unfulfilled. Yet this week's psalm tells us of a God who is holy, sovereign, powerful, and good. How can that be when there is so much suffering in the world and in our lives?
Verses 3-6 say:
Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.
They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior.
Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob. (NIV)
Oftentimes, we are disappointed with life because we expected things would be easier than they are. But this psalm tells us those who will stand with the Lord are those who do not trust in idols (of comfort, false peace, safety, pleasure, ease) but rather in the Lord Himself.
If “the earth is the Lord's and everything in it” as verse 1 says, then everything we walk through has been filtered through His kind, loving, yet powerful hands. The same hands that fashioned the earth are the same ones that hold us when we feel as though we cannot take another step.
When we lift our eyes to Him, the King of glory, we will see that His mighty hands have carried us all along. This week, talk to Him about your frustrations and fears, and remember—He is the King of glory, able to hold it all together. And as He holds all things together, let Him hold you, too.