Week 17: Psalm 25

Psalm 25


If you have any sort of experience in planting a garden, you know that in the spring, you prepare the soil to plant the seed. Just like the soil of the earth needs to be prepared, the soil of our hearts need to be prepared as well. We want to prepare the soil so that the new seeds will take root, grow, blossom, and produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 


In Psalm 25, David teaches us that the way of the Lord is the way of humility—a posture of confidence before the Lord because of Jesus with a posture of nothing to gain and nothing to prove before people. David writes, “He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way” (vs 9). Humility prepares our hearts by turning the soil and separating the hard places so that we can receive the love of God. It is His love that transforms us the deepest through our intimate connection with Him. 


As we continue to humble ourselves to His life and His way, the psalmist teaches us in verse 10, “All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness.” We begin to walk row by row in the garden of our soul and God steadfastly lays down seeds of His love and faithfulness in our hearts. We join in repeating David by saying, “[my] soul shall abide in well-being” and the “friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him” (vs 13,14). 


Before approaching the Word of God, let's remember to take time to humble ourselves before Him so that His words (seed) can make its way into the deepest places in our being. He longs to grow gardens within us, but we must be diligent to set our posture before Him as one that acknowledges His rightful place. 


May the soil of your heart be prepared to take in all that God desires to grow inside of you.


By Grace,

Courtney Rae

Jessica Mathisen