Discontentment comes and goes for you. 

There’s still time, but consider this a blinking yellow light. You’re struggling to see the goodness of God in your circumstances, and it’s causing you to question some things that in your head, you know to be true. Sometimes the longest distance is from our heads to our hearts. We just don’t always know how to make the two connect.

Perhaps a difficult trial has you feeling like you don’t know where to turn. Or maybe you’re in a season where everyday life just feels exhausting. 

Don’t give up, friend. God says that He will draw near to us when we draw near to Him. He is with you, even when your circumstances suggest otherwise. When struggling with contentment, the strategy of the enemy is to get you to feel like you are all alone and that God doesn’t care about you. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

If you’re truly struggling with finding the goodness of God in your life, you may need the support of someone who is on the outside of your situation yet can speak into your life with candor and grace.  If you need support that will give you the tools you need to climb out of the overwhelm, I would love to work with you as your coach. You can book a free call with me today to chat about your needs and goals.

Looking for a gentle support to helo you through the storms of life? Grab my book An Overwhelming Hope: How the Spirit Brings Peace to Our Storms